Thursday, October 28, 2010

Living in Japan through making money online?

Living in Japan through making money online?
So i have a job online. Is it possible to live in Japan because i make good money. I do i need to have a real job in Japan?
Japan - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
To get a visa allowing you to work, you would need an employer to sponsor your visa application. You seem very desperate to go to Japan, Paige. Why not go for a long holiday first to see if you like it. If you really want to emigrate you have to at least have a degree. Look at the Ministry of Foreign affairs website. As you can see the visa criteria is very strict.
2 :
You need a "real" job in Japan.
3 :
You need a Japanese company to sponsor you if you want to live in Japan. Either that or you need to be married to a Japanese person. Have you ever been to Japan? I suggest you take a tourist trip there first for the full 90 days to see if it's the place for you. Many people are misinformed thinking people speak English in Japan but they don't. They also think Japan is like it is in anime and manga, which also couldn't be further from the truth in most cases.
4 :
I don't think you can get a working visa of Japan by making money online. If you have another visa, it's possible to live in Japan.
5 :
Not unless you're married to a Japanese citizen. I know an American who lives in a rural part of Japan and works for an American company online. He is, however, married to a Japanese woman he met while he was working here as an English teacher.
6 :
No, it is NOT possible. Now, run along.
7 :
Input your answer here. Hi paige, A new idea-see if it suits.
8 :
No. You are making good money where you are living, but that does not translate to the same thing if you were living in Japan. Before you can live as a permanent resident in Japan, you have to prove that: 1) You can function in Japanese society; i.e. speak the language 2) You will not be a drain on the welfare program; i.e. educated with a college degree and have a job. 3) You have no criminal record.