Where can you make the most money selling used manga in Japan?
Which tend to pay more, small local shops or the big chains? I went to furuhon shijou and they were going to give me 50 yen tops for anything that wasn't really really new. I don't imagine Book Off would do much better than them. It wasn't no-name stuff, most of it is pretty popular but not brand new (stuff like Monster, jojo's bizzare adventure, kuromaruti high school). So what do I do with these manga that lots of people would pay 300yen a piece for? Can't I at least get 100 a piece somewhere? Any classified ad sites in Japanese? I would ask this on the japan yahoo answers but I can't remember the email address I used or password. Can someone helppppp? they seem to be worth alot, people spend 300-400 yen for a lot of them, its just a matter of finding someone who isnt trying to make a 2000% profit being the in between (like chain stores seem to)
Japan - 3 Answers
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Used manga books are not worth so much in Japan. You just go to a lot of used manga shops and there may be some who will pay you as much as you want.
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I assume you can read Japanese. Take a look a this. http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1434334289 According to the best answer, first you go to Mandarake, where they buy whatever books they think they can sell at the best possible price. However, they never buy stuff that nobody is likely to buy. Then, go to Book-Off and ask how much they will pay for the remaining books. At this point, you don't sell the books. You only ask. After that, you visit several independent bookstores until you find the store that offers the best price. Alternatively, you could use Yahoo Auction or Amazon Marketplace.