Friday, January 28, 2011

How much money would a make in a year being a beautician in Tokyo Japan?

How much money would a make in a year being a beautician in Tokyo Japan?
I want to do hair but in Tokyo but I want to know how much I would make
Japan - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
None. To get a work visa in Japan you need a four year degree and a job offer before you get there. You would also have to take tests to get your license there. The tests are in Japanese. Also realize most Japanese women wouldn't go to a non-Japanese beautician. Most aren't comfortable going to a non-Japanese. You need native level Japanese to chat with them. And not being Japanese, you would have nothing in common with them. Tokyo is the hardest city to find work in. If a Japanese can do the job, they will always be hired first. Sorry if I seem too harsh in my answer. But that's how life is in Japan.
2 :
They say their average annual income is 2,670,000 yen. But you need Japanese license to work as a beautician in Japan.
3 :
TheCheapest told you the salary, but Carl gave you the specifics on how much YOU would make. It's not absolutely possible. But don't get your hopes up. I say that just so I know that my answer is fully correct. Maybe you COULD learn to speak Japanese fully fluently, including the reading and writing skills you would need to attend the appropriate school here. And maybe, just maybe, you could find some salon that thinks it would 'be cool' to hire a foreigner. Because if they don't want you because you have a 'cool factor', why hire you? They'll have more than enough Japanese applicants that won't come with the baggage of having the ability to make their customers feel uncomfortable because a foreigner is doing their hair. So, you have a snow ball's chance in Hades. On a hot day.
4 :
Just try where you are and see where that takes you? i won't state what everybody has already stated. These guys are experienced and are giving you the best advice so listen to them
5 :
It depends. If you are not legally able to work in Japan you will make zero yen. Not going to happen. Do a search, this type of question is asked here every day.
6 :
First you need to get a visa to work and be certified in japanes, you could make good money if you got popular