Monday, February 7, 2011

How much do computer engineers make in japan?

How much do computer engineers make in japan?
I am planning on after college moving to japan to work as a computer engineer. How much do they make? What kind of degree do you need? What other computer jobs are good to have while there that make good money? Where are these jobs found. Please help me with this=] Living in japan is my greatest dream. So I would like all the information you can give me. Thank you =] please somebody answer=]] It is greatly appreciated=]
Japan - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Less than half of what you would expect... but more than half of what you would fear that you wouldn't deserve.
2 :
Is it important how much computer engineers make in Japan? Your dream is living in Japan. First, it depend on your Japanese skill.
3 :
hi it's about 335,000 yen for engineers also remember that it depends on where you work and how much experience you have working as an engineer. Also this site shows based on experience how much computer systems engineers make: you need to specify what part of computer engineering you would be responsible for and how much experience you have to your job applicant/interviewers. Also you can check craigslist and call companies up to ask them how much their going rates are for Computer Engineers take in mind i'm assuming you speak japanese :) also tokyo is one of the highest cost of living cities in the world. them and moscow sometimes switch places lol Field application engineer salaries:,+MO