Monday, February 14, 2011

I really need help, and havent got any answers, i need to make some money to go to japan!!!?

I really need help, and havent got any answers, i need to make some money to go to japan!!!?
I am 16, and going to japan ths summer. i got a job to save money, but wont have enough in time for the trip. Please help me!!! what can i do???? I am going as an exchange student. We dont really have a lot of money to spare at home, have a big family
Women's Health - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
baby sit. and who on this lovely earth would want to japan?! if you need to go to japan so bad.... wait why do you have to go to japan so bad? cant you wait till next year?! and save your money for something normal, lik a chocolate bunny or sumthing like that! sheesshhh, signed. me!
2 :
You could babysit part time to help with the cost.
3 :
Urm do little jobs for parents etc ? wont your parents lend you a little money and you pay them back ?
4 :
Find odd side jobs that you cna do. Maybe your mom can pay you to babysit your little sister or someone you know can pay you to babysit their kid once a week or so. Start mowing lawns for some extra cash. A lot of older people will also pay you to plant flowers for them. You could also clean houses. It may seem like a pain, but you can make some decent money. If some people you know are really busy, ask if you can help them clean once a week for x amount of money. You'll earn enough money, just don't quit trying.
5 :
sell somethings you dont want
6 :
Ok heres what I would do... 1.) Tell family members (aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) that you are going on this trip, and are in need of some funding. Maybe they could help you out. 2.) Do some babysitting for the neighbors 3.) Offer your services as a dog walker, lawn mower, or house sitter/cleaner to your neighbors too. Make a flyer and give it to all your neighbors. 4.) Some states give money for recycling cans (Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, etc.) If you live in one of those states, hold a can drive. 5.) Have a yard sale! Good luck
7 :
Honestly? babysitting really is your best bet! I know! I have a trip to go on this summer as well and my new job is not going to cut it. However, my babysitting jobs are helping a lot! Example? I have two families. The Ogdens and the Tomlins. (they both are new. I babysat for the Ogden for the first time on Saurday and I will babysit for the Tomlins for the first time on the 10th on April). The Ogdens have asked me to watch theri girls two days in a row for them next week. Both days 8am-3pm. I charge $8 per hr and $1 per additional child. There are two girls. So 9 x 7 = 63. 63 x 2 = 126 in two days. That is more than I make in a week working my 7.25 per hour job! Then I have to babysit for the Tomlins on the 10th and the 17th for 5 hours at $8 per hour. See where Im getting at here? Try these websites! and (the both are free even though you can choose to use a package that charges) Sitter City works better for me. Plus they will send you an e-mail notifying you when someone in your area is looking for a sitter. They also will let you know how much they are paying and how many miles they are from your house. When you see one you're interested in you can contact them instead of waiting for someone to come to you! You don't have to say much. All I say is "Hello, im Chardonnay. I noticed you live in my area. I am wondering if you are still in need off a babysitter?". Once the parent has repsonded keep them interested in you by being interested in their child! you know, just incase another girl has contacted them. This way you are the higher pick. Maybe im saying too much. lol . However, if you need to know more at ALL e-mail me! ( I work with kids and babysit all of the time. So if you need any help talk to me! Oh and I put flyers around my sibdivision as well! That is how I got the Ogdens! Sittercity is how I got the Tomlins. Good luck girl!
8 :
Hi, A work colleague told me about this one thing on the net which is about to really take off kind alike Facebook did with nearly 20,000 people joining everyday in the uk. It works like this: You go through the referral link and sign up (takes about 2 mins and no personal details are needed) What that does is it gives you your own web page with 1000+ links to websiteĆ¢€™s such as Amazon, Play, EBay etc etc. When ever you go to buy anything of the net you simply clink the shopĆ¢€™s link of your own webpage and shop and checkout as you normally would. This is where it gets good because every thing you buy you get a % of the commission put back into your account on the webpage. Now this is where it gets really interesting because if your friends sign up via your link they get a % commission but you get a % of that as well Remember you are not scamming your friends by doing this because the commission is all shared out equally upon the members so everyone is receiving free money. The good news is that this company is quite new and the share profits and you will be top of the ladder before it takes off. Click Here to see my shop and to find out more (Click the "Find Out More" link at the Top Right of the page) or sign up using this referral link This has been talked about on the national press scene by many top journalist. You really have nothing to lose and a lot to gain, have a look because I have investigated it myself and it seems like this is the sort off thing I was looking for.