Monday, February 28, 2011

What's the best way to make money without having a job?

What's the best way to make money without having a job?
I'm trying to make $6,500 by the end of February and I don't even know where to begin, how would I start? Is there some sort of fund raiser I could do? I need the money for a trip to Japan with the People to People Student Ambassador Program.
Personal Finance - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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2 :
Lemonade stand. Hmmm.... Well, try doing street performing. If you have any special talent. People threw money at me for skateboarding well, or maybe they just wanted me out of the street...
3 :
Good luck with your answer, let me know how you can manage to make money without a job, I would love to know!!
4 :
the most effecient way is to's not the smartest way should have that amount by feb... Otherwise you need to get a job (or borrow money from some family)
5 :
Go on welfare
6 :
Marry an old lady that has a job then take her money. That is what a lot of guys are doing now days
7 :
lol people to people i was going to do that like two years back ahh you can ask someone to help you go but i think you need a job no way of getting around that
8 :
don't know of anything legal-just get a job
9 :
Are you aware that there is a worldwide economic downturn at present? Are you young, or just self absorbed? In terms of legal means, you're probably not going, unless you win the lotto, or you come into some family money. If you make it happen - legally - Do get back with us.
10 :
You could have sex with 7 fat chicks for 1k a piece. Or one REALLY fat chick for 10k!
11 :
The is a global recession and eveyday reports of bankruptcies and higher and higer unemployment. The economy is collapsing and you are lucky not to be burdened with having to service home mortagages or putting the bacon on the tables. Forgot about the trip, there are more pressing issues that the world is facing. Counting your blessing that these issues are not affecting you now.