Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Why do teachers say they don't make enough money?

Why do teachers say they don't make enough money?
In Japan, teachers make an average of $45000USD equivalent a year. In 2003, California high school teachers made an average of $55000 a year, and they only work 9 months of the year. What gives? That's a pretty basic and pretty sound government salary if you ask me. I mean yeah sure healthcare is expensive but it's expensive for everyone. Why are they complaining about how they don't get paid enough? And don't say something like because kids are too hard to deal with---it was in their job description when they took the job. But grading papers and writing lectures is in their job description. That's kinda what a teacher does. How much do they want to get paid anyway? Would they still be whining if they made $60,000? $70,000? What do they want and why aren't they crying to their administrators about how Principals makes gobs of money for doing nothing? The LA Unified Superintendent just got FIRED for not doing his job right, that's how I know administrators do just about nothing.
Teaching - 11 Answers
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1 :
Does anybody ever have enough?
2 :
In most cities they don't get paid enough...I think in Las Vegas they only start off at $30k and the cost of living is very high there.
3 :
that's japan, and it's a lot more expensive to live in california. teachers here in nc make about 35,000 and that's not a lot, especially compared to other jobs that require a four year education. and finally, they work a lot more than you think, they have to grade papers and do lesson plans and go to meetings: they spend a lot more time at the school than the students do. and for such a respectable profession, it is true that they should get paid more.
4 :
5 :
Become a teacher in NYC and you will have the answer to your own question.
6 :
The average salary is skewed because there are quite a few teachers who have been teaching for years and are way up on the salary scale. Teachers just starting out make way less than 55,000. I've been teaching for 7 years, have 49 units passed my B.S. and would love to make average salary. Even with a summer job I barely break 50k on a good year. Teachers are required to have a B.S. and have, in California anyway, what amounts to just under a master's degree to get their credential. Someone with that level of education in most other industries would be making 60-70k. Yes, it was my choice to teach and the money isn't everything, I'm not whining about it, I would like to see our society do the right thing, however, and pay teachers what they are worth, which is way more than 55k. In the meantime I will not hold my breath (after all watching some tall college dropout dunk a ball through a round hoop is obviously more important to our society than making sure the next generation is ready to advance our society when we can't anymore,) will wait patiently, and will continue to do my job to the best of my ability. Anytime you are ready to wake up, I'll be in the classroom teaching your children.
7 :
The problem for teachers is that while $55,000 is a good salary for someone who has just been working for a couple of years, it is NOT good for someone who has been working successfully in their fields for 20 or 30 years. By then their classmates who went into business, for example, will be making at least twice what they are. Teacher salaries are very flat - a teacher who has been in the field for many years is usually not making much more than those just starting out. Also, you are giving salaries which would be fine if these people were living in rural Alabama or Missouri, but the cost of living in Japan and California is almost impossible to sustain on the salaries you mention. There are many places in California, for example, where you could never afford to buy a home on $55,000 a year. Also, they may not be teaching in the summer, but that really isn't their choice, and it is almost impossible for them to find a professional-level job for just 3 months. How would you like it if your boss told you that you would be involuntarily laid off for 1/4 of each year? By the way, many of them are NOT happy about the fact that much of many school districts' budgets are taken up by administrative salaries (I've never heard it said that Principals earned "gobs" of money, but they do make a little more than the teachers do), but in no job is it acceptable to complain about your bosses' salaries! And you suggest they cry to administrators - their administrators ARE the Principals! I'm not a teacher - I'm a university administrator and have been a college professor, but I do think the teachers have a good reason to worry about salary when the toll collectors or trash truck drivers, in many localities, make significantly more money than they do.
8 :
Why do I say I don't make enough money? Probably because I work (on average) a 55-hour week and barely make $50k. Most people working in the private sector pulling in the same hours I do (with less responsibility and a lighter workload) make much, much more. I also work through my annual leave (something that no other industry expects you to do). Plus I spend about half my income on work expenses - classroom resources, professional development, membership to the Institute of Teachers (required by law where I am). Of course, the fact that you think principals do nothing and that teachers truly get 3 months off per year shows that you're undoubtedly twelve years old and don't fully understand the work involved in teaching.
9 :
a few things: A. We do not work 9 months of the year. I work year-round. The *kids* have summers - I work. I will stack my workload against anyones. Just because I do not have to go to the school site does not mean I am lounging by the pool. I work *daily* - heck on Thanksgiving - I was grading - not a complaint - it is in my job description - but it is working, not vacation. B. We have advanced degrees. our salaries are 15-20 percent lower than careers with similar education requirements. C. We have a nationwide shortage of qualified teachers Math, Science and special education. If the pay was so spectacular - I think you wouldnt see the shortage. Mathematics majors make 40 percent more in private industry. D. 50 percent of new teachers leave within 5 years - the main reason for their leaving? work load and stress. What other industry has those numbers? E. the other poster is correct. the 55k salary is because of the veteran averages - hopefully you pick a career whee you will be making more than that after 35 years on the job. New teachers in Los Angeles start at 40k approx - but many states are down at 28k starting. A biology major has many other options at more than 28k. This then is the important one: You hear about it alot because of the nature of our profession. We are public employees. We collectively bargain. Most people go to upper management once a year to discuss pay raises. we must - *by definition* do so publicly. You will hear about teachers payscale once every 4 years in your local community - but because we teach *every* child and there are 4.2 million of us in the US - you will hear about it all the time. We dont always simply ask for pay -Often it is about work environment...... Now about that pay raise: I havent had a cost of living increase in 3 years - and then 6 prior to that - Was your salary raised in the last 9 years? My last word - In my district - our full time janitors make more than starting teachers.
10 :
I guess alot of it is because other people in field that require as much education as teachers get are paid more. I also think it has to do with respect and lack thereof. Yes, I know that everyone works hard. Teachers work very hard - some of the hardest working individuals I know. Yes, they didn't go into the occupation because of the pay and they sort of knew what they were going into but not really. It's an incredibly stressful job - no down time what so ever. You could almost compare it to working as an ER doctor. Also, it isn't just teaching and the hours spent in the classroom. I know teachers that are up at 5:45 and don't even get home on some nights (talking 3 times a week) until around 7:00 and still have more work to do. Also, how many other occupations have you take so much out of your salary to help do your job? So many teachers use their own money to make better learning activities for their students. I know of teachers that spend close to 250 each month out of their own pockets for the little extra things. Weekends and summers are really not days off. Weekends are spent planning, sleeping because you only got like 5 hours of sleep each night from the week and working in your classroom. Summers are spent taking classes, cleaning up from the past school year and prepping for the next school year. I think that it is so funny that you say that principals don't do anything - mine is amazing. Won a national award actually. Sure crappy principals don't do anything but there are some really strong ones out there that are in classrooms, managing behaviors, serving on every single committee in the school etc.. SOUNDS LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW ANY GOOD TEACHERS OR PRINCIPALS AND YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T HAVE ANY THAT MADE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE. I feel sorry for you!
11 :
It depends on the place you live. Some places have very high cost of living compared to the teacher's salary. Where I live, my teaching salary is competitive with every other salary and I am very happy about that. But people in the neighboring state have to work extra jobs to survive. The problem comes in the fact that we hold (at minimum) a four-year degree. We shouldn't be compared to the "average" salary, but rather the average salary of others holding a four-year degree. And no, we do not have summers off. And as far as administrators. Please check your facts before assuming they do NOTHING. They are busy like crazy and they take the heat for everything involving their school. They do work 12 months of the year (they HAVE to be in office all summer, not just by choice), and they hold a higher degree and years of experience before even being able to apply for the job.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

where can I find an immigration lawer in japan?

where can I find an immigration lawer in japan?
I was living in Osaka Japan and got married to a Japanese woman. We have a daughter together. We got divorced but we was living together. I overstayed my visa and was deported on 06/06/2007. I am an American and really want to be with my daughter in Japan. I want to go back and be with and support her. Please, help me. I am working but making very little money. In Japan I was teaching English to kids in Osaka. Please, help me.
Japan - 4 Answers
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1 :
I remember seing this company's ads on the train. Sorry it is Japanese, but they had mentioned immigration problems. If I get more info I will post it for you. Here is a better link for you. This one is in English. I hop they can help you out.
2 :
If you overstayed and were deported, you will have to wait at least 5 years before you can begin re-entry proceedings (even for a tourist visa). They won't even hear your case until then. If you had done this before getting deported, you might have been able to get a special visa extension or delay of deportation, but it's too late now. I feel sorry for your family, but 99% of the foreigners in Japan work VERY hard to stay within the rules. I have no sympathy for anyone who violates the rules and gives the rest of us a bad name.
3 :
Lawyers in Japan are very expensive. How can you even go there and hire one ? You have a major problem that will cost major dollars. If you were married to a Japanese woman, why didn't you try to change your visa status ? You can't support the girl with no job. And you can't just move to Japan. The best thing you can do is make amends with your ex, and try to work something out with her.
4 :
There are some specialists on visa and immigration matter like the below. They are not lawyer exactly. But they are in charge of visa matter. But even they could not do anything to help you if you overstayed and were deported.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Would I be able to have a fund raiser for Japan?

Would I be able to have a fund raiser for Japan?
I really want to get involved in helping Japan. Is there a way I could have a fundraiser and then make sure the money gets to Japan? I've seen websites like Change this World and Hello Somebody who sell stuff and then send them food. I'm 17. How can I help, in a big way, to make a difference?
Japan - 3 Answers
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1 :
I suggest you do any fundraiser you would normally do for school like a car wash, bake sale, concert, etc...and give it to an organization like Red Cross or Second Harvest Japan. They are both doing great work on the ground here and will know how to use the money.
2 :
As I've lived outside Japan, I see a big difference in concept of "fund raising" between Japan and North-America (or countries based on Christianism) Japanese people are not so familiar/friendly with people standing on the street as fund raisers as North Americans. I mean, the Japanese is much more careful about strangers. They much rely on sources like Red Cross
3 :
There are a lot of things you can do to help. How about organizing a fundraiser or event at your school. You can raise some money then help support the relief effort by making a donation to the Red Cross Japan Disaster Appeal via their website

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What did Iraq do to us to make us spend that much money on them?

What did Iraq do to us to make us spend that much money on them?
The amount of money that has been spent make it seem like they bombed us like Japan did
Elections - 7 Answers
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1 :
How did our oil end up under their sand? ?????????????????????????????????
2 :
Saddam threatened little georgies DADDY.
3 :
They didn't let us see the WMDs that they didn't have.
4 :
Dee Dee........Cmon girl, it was all those weapons of mass destruction that made us do it!
5 :
someone once found the answer long ago and it was none of the above but was acutualy sadam was about to sell all his US dollars and buy euros just after bush was elected,
6 :
Say, what?? Japan didn't bomb us; we bombed them. With two nuclear bombs. As far as Iraq, what they did was invade Kuwait back in 1990; so we invaded them and beat them back. Then our President (Big Bush) decided to end the fighting and not push to kill off Sadaam Hussein. Fast forward to Little Bush, who wanted to be better than his Dad. So he invaded. So now we have to pay to rebuild what we knocked down. Clear enough?
7 :
The war with Iraq is a continuation of the 1990 Gulf War which was never settled. There was only a cease fire agreement with conditions of a no-fly zone and U.N. inspections which Sadam violated often. So...after 12 years and 19 ignored U.N. resolutions, we went back to finish the job. If the war was over oil in Iraq we could have just overlooked Sadam's atrocities and violations, and made a deal with him to get the oil.