Monday, April 1, 2013

Why is it that there are streets of ryokans (small hotels) in Japan, that won't allow westerners to stay there?

Why is it that there are streets of ryokans (small hotels) in Japan, that won't allow westerners to stay there?
It appears to be racism, although I realize that they could be unfamilar with westerners and find it easier to stick to people they are familar with. However, I think it is extreme racism. I say extreme, because one doesn't usually turn down the chance to do business and make money.
Japan - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Asia is just know starting to open to foreigners.
2 :
Probably because westerners don't understand about sharing the room they've paid for with complete strangers. Westerners don't like having to walk down the corridor to the toilet, only to find that someone's already in there. Westerners don't enjoy sharing bathing facilities, nor do most of us understand the rules and etiquette. It's not racism, it's self-protection.
3 :
Not to be racist,but most westeners have no manners. the Japanese customers get annoyed,and may start complaining to the ryokan.the ryokan loses money/customer. it only makes buisiness sense to refuse service to western customers.don't consider it a race thing,but more like a manner thing. We Japanese people have very high expectations when it comes to manners/customer service
4 :
Are there? Well, if there are, one reason could be that they do not speak English and can't treat Westerners.