Should i get a tattoo or donate to japan?
i would really like to donate money to Japan, but im not sure if $200 will make much of a difference. ive also been wanting to get a special tattoo for my birthday, but i geuss i could wait 8 months till i have the money again.
Friends - 3 Answers
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1 :
Japan c:. You could always get the tattoo like you said, and who knows, by that time, you might change your mind and not want the tattoo c:.
2 :
I would donate the money, you won't regret it. and you may eventually regret the tattoo.
3 :
It's good to know that you want to help. I would donate it because $200 can do a lot. It may not seem a lot but disasters like this even pennies are useful. You don't have to spend all of that money also. If you can come up with $200 in 8 months then donate now. It's really your choice.