Sunday, August 14, 2011

How can I make a difference without spending money?

How can I make a difference without spending money?
Im 12 years old and I really care about helping people in Japan, Haiti, New Orleans and about animals and the environment. I don't care when people call me a hippie or a tree hugger i just want to make a difference but turning off lights when you leave a room and not letting the water run when brushing your teeth can only help so much. What can I do to help without spending any money?
Green Living - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Plant trees and such in your community park or garden. And on the contrary, things like turning off the lights or shutting off the water adds up and makes a huge difference. It's refreshing to see youngsters like yourself motivated to change the world. good luck!
2 :
You can't make a difference even if you do spend money. When you get older you will learn about all the propaganda that you have been listening to and feel really foolish for believing it.
3 :
Another thing you can do is help encourage other people to donate to some of the relief efforts. Even if you are unable to donate, you can always try to get others to donate by talking to people and putting up flyers for the red cross and other orginizations. You can also find local community services that you can get involved in.
4 :
Some ways to help the environment cost money, true, but some ways actually save money. Take your bicycle instead of having your parents drive you to appointments. Help your parents cook a meal at home instead of going to a drive-thru window. Choose more grains, fruits and veggies, instead of meat, milk and eggs. Save seeds from fruits and veggies to start a backyard garden. Turn down the thermostat and wear warm clothes indoors. Mend old clothes instead of buying new ones. Have a garage sale instead of throwing away old things that are still useful.